Toledan Nights

To caress, move and manipulate those who are asleep very carefully, as if they were a piece of art.
We can communicate the fragility of the world from one of our essential raw materials, the people around us.
We can enter their minds, through the cerebral cortex and participate in a common Rem dream, with the aim of generating very specific images.
Situation tester
One of the main purposes of this honourable profession of being an artist is the protection of the “sleeper” from mirages and hallucinations. This is an essential job that involves, apart from the merciful appearance, strict political, psychological and environmental implications.
The good situation tester always works at the limit, on the razor’s edge, with the double vision and the double meaning of things, on the border between territories, in the always uncomfortable shore, in the mathematical margin between Yin and Yan, between the opposite poles of any given approach.