Contrary concepts become relative and may blur into the same one or in a thousand nuances or shades.
Digital and analog, natural and artificial, presence and absence, random or sequential, order and chaos, organic and mechanic, they do not always appear as opposite as they can look in a beginning. The multiplicity of the real means that there is not an only true or reality, there is a true and a reality that moves searching for a balance.
Dicotomigrafía 1.0 is divided by two different artworks: one Live Cinema (30’) and a graphical work (serigraphy).
One work of realtime audiovisual experimentation, where image processing with digital technology and generative programming of black and white patterns, shows abstract and concrete landscapes, natural and industrial, organic and mechanic.
There is also an screen printing work where manual and random blending of black and white ink would generate the same continuous graphical patterns, or do it with a thousand different gray shades.