In the beginning there was nothing. Then, a big explosion. Particles in transit. Dark matter, nebulae, galaxies, gravitational waves, stars, planets, pulsars, quasars, orbits, cells, satellites.
In the Asteroide series I explore gravity as power of the world. In those generative videos, the programming errors are the power of creation.
An algorithm was designed for generating particles and then for the elimination of part of the information of every frame, randomly compressing it.
Fernando Velázquez [Montevideo, Uruguay, 1970, lives and works in Sao Paulo]. He is a visual artist.
His work includes video, installation, interactive objects, audiovisual performances and algorithmic images. In his research he explores the relation between nature and culture specially around two main themes: the perceptive capacities of human body and the mediation of reality by technical devices.
He is interested in the intersection of art with other knowledge areas as science and philosophy. Through them, he seeks to build processes and hybrid methodologies.